West Virginia State Police Legal Department

If the organized militia, or any part thereof, is called up for active United States service under the Constitution and laws of the United States, the governor orders the service, and if the available number is insufficient, the governor may request and accept as many volunteers as necessary to serve in the organized militia and state guard. In the absence of organized militia units and organizations in the service of the United States, their state designations cannot be granted to new organizations, and all organizations and officers returning from this service will receive their former status and rank. The West Virginia Division of Criminal Justice Services is responsible for establishing minimum standards of physical fitness for police officers working in the state. In 2007, following a national trend, it relaxed physical performance standards for aspiring police officers. Currently, each police candidate must do at least 27 push-ups/minute, 29 sit-ups/minute and be able to run 1.5 miles (2.4 km) within a maximum time limit of 14 minutes 53 seconds. [5] However, state police chose not to follow these standards, unlike most local police departments in West Virginia. The agency`s recruiters still require candidates to do at least 27 push-ups/minute, 29 sit-ups/minute, and those same candidates must run 1.5 miles (2.4 km) in no more than 14 minutes 52 seconds, which were all the initial minimum requirements for all West Virginia police departments. [6] b. The governor may order the organized militia, or any part thereof, to serve outside the borders of the state and the United States to perform its military duty and to participate in parades, magazines, lectures, camps, maneuvers, and other training, participate in military competitions, and attend military schools. b. All matters relating to the organization, discipline, and government of the armed forces of the State not otherwise provided for in this Chapter or the regulations shall be decided by customs, customs, and regulations of the armed forces of the United States. c. The Adjutant General may command the organized militia or any part thereof, or any military personnel of the National Guard or any other person with his consent to the duty of state inside or outside the state and with or without compensation.

The West Virginia State Police (WVSP) is a law enforcement agency in the United States that provides policing services to residents of West Virginia. It is the fourth oldest state police department in the United States. The WVSP was dissolved because it was involved in suppressing the uprisings on behalf of the coal and mining companies that surrounded the concept of organized labor in the coal and mining industries. The WVSP was then reorganized during the second special session of the West Virginia legislature on June 19, 1919, following its participation as the Department of Public Safety. [3] (f) The term “duty of state” means service in a training statute or other task in the interest of the state and the organized militia. The Governor issues regulations for the administration of the State Armed Forces, which have the power and effect of law. Such regulations shall be consistent with the provisions of this Chapter and, to the extent practicable, with the laws and regulations of the United States governing the armed forces of the United States relating to the organization, discipline, and training of organized militias. Provisions in force at the time of adoption of Articles 1, 1A to 1G of this Chapter which are not contrary to their provisions shall remain in force until they are replaced by new provisions.

Training at the Paramilitary Academy lasts about 25 weeks compared to about 16 weeks for officers from other departments (trained in the same academy). When cadets graduate, they are promoted to the rank of “soldier”. They can be stationed anywhere in West Virginia`s 55 districts that operate from departments (barracks). You will complete a probationary period of eighteen months, which begins with entry into the Academy. At the end of this probationary period, they are eligible to earn an associate degree in police studies through the Marshall Technical and Community College program. Governor John Jacob Cornwell insisted on having a state police force, which he said was “mandatory so that he could obey the laws of our state.” Part of the compromise was the name of the organization: “West Virginia Department of Public Safety” was the official name until 1995, when the name was changed to “West Virginia State Police” during the legislative period. Like other state law enforcement agencies, West Virginia soldiers enforce traffic laws nationwide, investigate crimes, and protect the governor and his immediate family. The Superintendent of Police for the State of West Virginia is Colonel Jan Cahill.

The governor is commander-in-chief of the state`s armed forces, except those in the service of the United States. (e) “State service” or “active State service” means active military service in a status other than training status in or with an organized militia force or with the Department of the Adjutant General by order of the Governor. The State Police has been struggling with staffing issues for many years and the problem appears to persist mainly due to a lack of funds to significantly increase the number of road troops. In 2013, the agency employed more than 600 sworn officers, making it the state`s de facto largest law enforcement agency. [7] State police rely heavily on support in many of West Virginia`s 55 counties. In September 2013, news outlets began reporting on a new initiative by the agency to increase staff. The accelerated cadet program is designed for local West Virginia police officers who want to join the state police. Once hired, these officers would only train for 11 weeks, instead of the 25 weeks that regular cadets undergo. (a) “State armed forces” means the organized militia, the list of withdrawn States, the honorary militia and the State Guard, as well as any other component of the State militia that may be organized at a later date. The State Police is and was the only agency to run a law enforcement academy in West Virginia. It trains its own soldiers, but also all other state law enforcement officers: sheriff`s deputies, city and college police officers, and van law enforcement officers who, unlike some states, are not part of the state police, but have their own separate agency. One.

The Governor may order all or part of the organized militia and the State Guard, or any other person, with their consent, to serve actively in the State, and all members of the Organized Militia and the State Guard are responsible for such service. The West Virginia State Police also operates its own forensic laboratory and provides forensic investigation services to law enforcement agencies throughout the state. Services provided to criminal justice agencies include biochemistry, drugs, firearms investigations, latent fingerprints, documents interviewed, toxicology and evidence evidence. The Crime Lab is accredited by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB). [4] a. The duty to maintain and govern the armed forces of the state that are not in the service of the United States rests with the state, subject to constitutional authority. The purpose of these forces is twofold; National Defence and State Service. Their effectiveness for both purposes necessarily depends on the systematic uniformity of organization, composition, weapons, equipment, training and discipline with the armed forces of the United States and the armed forces of other States. Accordingly, the Governor shall ensure that the State Armed Forces comply with all federal laws and regulations applicable to them, unless they are inconsistent with the purpose of those forces. (d) “military” means the army or the army, the air force or the air force, the navy or the navy. Since December 2018, soldiers have been using Glock 17 Gen 5 9mm handguns. (g) “United States service” or “active United States service” means active military service in the armed forces of the United States, excluding active service for training purposes.

When used in Articles One, One-a, One-b, Un-c, One-d, One-F and One-G of this Chapter, unless the context clearly requires otherwise: (b) The term “organized militia” means the West Virginia National Guard, including the Army National Guard, the Air National Guard, and the inactive National Guard, and is deemed to be any entity. Component, element, headquarters, personnel or cadre thereof, and members or members.

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