Open University Rules

If a student violates the University`s rules regarding user accounts (e.g., due to inappropriate behavior on an e-learning platform), the matter may be dealt with in accordance with the Terms of Use. More information: Acceptable Use Policy for the University of Helsinki The Open University of Helsinki may apply the rules and guidelines for students of the University of Helsinki to students of the Open University. Students agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Open University regarding enrolment in Open University teaching. The provisions of the Universities Act on the evaluation of studies (§§ 44 and 82) also apply to students of the Open University. These provisions concern the right of students to obtain information on the application of the evaluation criteria, to consult the graded paper or examination and to request the correction of a grading decision by submitting an application first to the teacher and then to the academic complaints committee of their university or equivalent. The university reserves places according to the rules of the provincial government of Uttarakhand. This policy outlines the general rules that explain the eligibility criteria for requesting discretionary treatment and deferral and the deadlines by which you must submit such requests. Adherence to the ethical principles of the University of Jyväskylä ensures a safe learning environment for students and staff. The principles include the commitment of the University and its members to treat every individual and group with respect and dignity. This obligation applies to both language and other behaviour. The Director of the Open University gives more detailed rules for the monitoring and enforcement of rules and regulations. This policy describes the general rules that apply to retaking exams or resubmitting work, as well as the conditions you must meet to be eligible for repetition or resubmission. An explanation of the rules that apply if you wish to postpone or abandon your studies or change your choice of module or qualification.

If an Open University student has seriously violated the Open University rules and regulations through disruptive, threatening, or violent behavior or has acted fraudulently on multiple occasions, the student may be denied admission to the Open University program for a specified period of up to one year. In case of emergency, courses already started may be suspended. Students will not be reimbursed for the fees of a course suspended due to their own behavior. Students are informed of Open University rules and regulations when they enroll in an Open University degree program. The Open University may charge different fees for students from different countries, for different levels of study, for different modules, and for students who start or change their studies at different times. This is consistent with the different ways in which higher education can be funded, the cost of providing educational services, or because the Open University offers a different range of services. For: PhD students supported by an affiliated research center Violent behaviour or threats of violence will be reported to the security personnel of the University of Jyväskylä and possibly to the police. A single serious or serious act may result in the immediate loss of the right to study. The Open University advocates a zero-tolerance approach to domestic violence and gender-based violence (GBV).

This document describes how the Open University will respond to any disclosure of domestic violence/GBV, addresses privacy issues, and indicates what support is available. Information on the legal obligations of the university, individual responsibilities and arrangements made to address various aspects of equality. For: Students in England, the Republic of Ireland and foreign fields of study who have studied at the Open University since August 2012 and are entitled to an additional year of reduced fees. If a student uses Open University credentials in violation of the rules of use, for example by behaving inappropriately on an online learning platform, action may be taken against the student in accordance with the rules of use. The Open University implements the Rector`s Decision of 17 January 2019 on Ethical Guidelines for the Study and Treatment of Academic Fraud at the University of Jyväskylä. All students (including B. Students, exchange students and Open University students have the right to a safe learning environment and not to be exposed to inappropriate behavior. Students must be treated equally. Each student is responsible not only for their own actions, but also for promoting a safe and enjoyable learning environment. All students (including PhD students, exchange students, Open University students and other students) have the right to a safe learning environment and the right to be treated appropriately.

Students must be treated equally. All students, for their part, are equally responsible for ensuring that the learning environment is pleasant and safe. Students must behave appropriately in physical and online learning environments. Other students or staff should not be disturbed or treated inappropriately. Students must adhere to the study regulations and guidelines of the Open University, individual professors and administrative staff. The university sends the study material to the regional centres, and the regional centres hand over the material to the relevant study centres, and it is made available to students by the study centres. Open University students should primarily contact the instructor if they have problems related to teaching or interacting with other students (e.g. group work). Open University students can also inform Open University staff if they notice inappropriate behavior in teaching or issues related to student rights: This document outlines guidelines and guidelines that apply to students who may need support because their studies are affected by pregnancy, maternity, paternity, adoption, foster care or in vitro fertilization (IVF).

east. This policy sets out how we can support you in your studies if a mental, emotional or physical disability affects the way you interact with the Open University community. This document only applies to learners who enrol in an Open University professional development course in the learner dashboard from 1 April 2022 that does not count as any qualification. This document sets out the terms of the agreement between you and The Open University, including your rights and obligations as a professional development learner. As defined by the JYU Open University Study Guide, an online course unit has a predefined schedule, i.e. it starts and ends at specific times and task schedules are specified at the beginning of the course. Online courses require active and regular commitment and participation as well as an independent and responsible way of working. These prerequisites for participation are also defined in the Study Information System. If a student does not attend or work as directed, the teacher will contact the student and may remove a passive student from the online course. Course fees will not be refunded if the right to participate is revoked due to the student`s conduct. This document explains how to find out which fee system applies to you and what it means so that the Open University can charge you the appropriate fee for your situation.

This is a statement by the university on the principles of academic freedom. Plagiarism is a form of fraud. It is the act of taking or copying someone else`s work, ideas, or intellectual property, including another student`s, and presenting it as if it were your own. The Student Protection Plan sets out measures to protect students in the unlikely situation where there is a risk of continuing their education.

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