Monthly Archives: December 2022

What Happens When a Company Is Forced to Delist

If a stock is delisted, the shares can still be traded over-the-counter on the OTC bulletin board. Shareholders can still trade the shares, although it is likely that the market will be less liquid. Compliance with the current listing standards of the stock exchanges on which the shares are listed is a surefire way to avoid delisting. Compliance assures investors of the credibility of the company in question. On the contrary, if a company does not meet these standards, it is forced to leave an exchange. The list of delisted shares can be found on the BSE and NSE websites. Some of the delisted companies are: Simply put, there is no benefit to delisting from a stock exchange. There are certain regulations and compliances that a publicly traded company must follow. This includes the mandatory publication of the annual accounts and quarterly reports as well as the annual holding of the annual general meeting within a certain period.

If you`re aware of the possibility that a company could be removed from the list, deciding to sell your shares is probably a smart move. Involuntary delisting and the events that lead to it reduce the value of a business, and if it`s bankruptcy, there`s a good chance you`ll lose your entire investment. If a stock is delisted as part of a merger or as a result of the privatization of the company, you only have a limited amount of time to sell your shares before they are converted into cash at a predetermined exchange rate or exchanged for shares of the acquiring company. In May 2021, the company fell to a level of Rs 88-89 per share. The indicative price of Vedanta`s delisting offer was Rs 87. This does not mean that the company will buy its shareholders` shares solely at this price. Once a stock has been delisted, it can be traded over-the-counter (“OTC”) on one of three different exchanges. There are certain advantages to trading over-the-counter, such as access to start-ups that are not large enough to trade on the NYSE or Nasdaq (like Walmart at the time) or access to foreign companies that trade on non-US companies. Exchanges (such as Nestlé, which are traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange).

However, lower barriers to entry in the CTA mean a higher risk of fraud and less transparency in a company`s operations. It is rare for a delisted stock to return to more traditional stock exchanges. To do this, it would be necessary to avoid bankruptcy, solve the problem that forced the delisting and return to the standards of the stock exchange. When a stock is delisted, the company can still be traded via two different platforms, namely: the over-the-counter bulletin board (OTCBB) or the pink leaf system. Although both are significantly less regulated than the major exchanges, OTCBB is by far the stricter of the two. Recently, Sintex Industries made headlines for a potential delisting. Reliance and Assets Care & Reconstruction Enterprise (ACRE) submitted an offer to acquire Sintex Industries and Sintex Industries` Creditors Committee (CoC) accepted the offer. Reliance-ACRE proposed to delist the shares of Sintex Industries following the acquisition. So, if one of the shares you own is delisted, it is best to sell your shares. You can either exit the market or sell it to the company when it announces the buyout. We often hear about companies that want to go public. The opposite can also happen and this is called delisting.

If a company voluntarily delists, shareholders will receive a cash buyback or shares of the new acquiring company. A company must comply with certain rules to be listed on the stock exchange. While you`re probably familiar with the larger U.S. on exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or the Nasdaq, there are nearly 30 exchanges registered in the U.S. and each has its own listing standards. A company must follow certain rules in order to maintain a good reputation and maintain its registration. If a company does not meet the requirements, it will be removed from the list or removed from the exchange. To give a unique example, an executive order by former President Trump led to the delisting of a number of Chinese companies. These companies are suspected of having links to the Chinese military or, among other things, refusing to allow audits. Several events can put a company at risk of being removed from the list. These include failure to meet a minimum closing price of at least $1.00 for 30 consecutive trading days, failure to meet a certain market capitalization, or failure to meet a myriad of requirements related to trading volume, equity or earnings results. Understanding the delisting process is helpful for better understanding the mechanics of the stock market, but keep in mind that most investors would be better off avoiding delisted stocks because they risk losing everything if a company goes bankrupt.

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What Exactly Is a Legal Separation

A divorce attorney in Torrance can explain what your options are and the pros and cons of each possible course of action. Both options are a difficult decision. This is a difficult time in your life and competent legal help will help you function well. There is actually no legal separation in the state of New Jersey. A lot of people just don`t know that. They read about it on the Internet or they hear about it from family members or friends, and it is a concept that exists in other states, but not here. What you need to know is that you can physically separate from your spouse, but this is not recognized by the court and you do not have to file any special court documents explaining your separation. You can consult a lawyer or set up temporary separation terms with your spouse, but it will not be a binding contract in itself. Both legal procedures are complicated. Enlisting the services of an experienced Torrance attorney who is familiar with the process, paperwork and terms involved is crucial. It is important if you live apart from your spouse to legally separate with a formal written agreement. A written agreement deals with spousal debt issues for which you may be responsible during the separation. There are many reasons to get a legal separation or divorce if you want to end your marriage.

Choosing between the two or many other options available can be difficult. That`s where we come in. To discuss your separation from your spouse and secure your future, talk to us. Schedule a free consultation: Separation agreements usually set out things like temporary child support, custody and support, as well as other things, such as how you and your spouse handle mortgage payments, rent, and other household bills during the separation period. However, to take care of the practicalities during your separation, you need to create a document called a separation agreement. This is a written contract between you and your spouse that usually remains in effect until you reconcile or until your divorce is finalized. Separation agreements usually cover issues such as: It is important to take a legal separation as seriously as a divorce, as both are court orders that contain duties and obligations that each party must legally abide by. If the couple divorces later, judges may consider the details of the separation agreement when deciding on the divorce.

Under legal separation, the marriage can be extended for up to 10 years, allowing the spouse with the lowest income to claim social security from the other spouse. Staying married — but legally separated — means the couple can take advantage of certain tax benefits, including possible increases in deductions. The decision to separate requires a number of serious decisions regarding child support, alimony, property division, debt, insurance, and countless other matters. There is no “legal separation” in New Jersey, so it`s important that you take all possible steps to secure your future and ensure the stability and safety of your children during this uncertain time. To discuss the details of your situation, please call Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group`s divorce and family law lawyers. We are here to listen and help. Once the actual date of separation is set, it freezes a spouse`s ability to freely spend money from a credit card or joint bank account. It also limits control over other assets such as real estate and vehicles. Some couples who separate may never choose to marry. Since couples who separate are still legally married, they still enjoy the many benefits of marriage. Separated spouses are always entitled to participate in family health insurance, to receive a spouse`s pension and to benefit from tax benefits by filing a joint declaration. In some cases, the benefits of marriage may outweigh the benefits of divorce.

Legal separation allows these spouses to retain the benefits of marriage while leading a separate life. It is important to note that since legally separated couples are still technically married, they will not be able to remarry during this period. Full divorce is necessary if one of the spouses wishes to remarry. You can work with your spouse and say, “We`re going to have this trial separation for a while, maybe six months. I`m going to live here, you`re going to have an apartment, and we`re going to share the bills that way. We will take care of the children in this special way. We`re going to set up some sort of visit plan,” or otherwise, have some sort of support agreement and then see if you want to take the next step toward divorce or ultimately reconcile your marriage. Many people do this and they are faithful to the ultimate terms of their separation, if you will. But it`s not really a legal separation that is formalized in a way.

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What Does the Legal Term Remitter Mean

However, when Temple ran out of money, the potential handover was forced to send the coin himself by express. Common grounds for annulment include: insufficient evidence, false instructions to the jury about the law, decision on erroneous motions, or other violations of a defendant`s constitutional rights. A reference is an order from the Court of Appeal to the trial court either to confirm the trial judge`s decisions or to order him or her to make other decisions or to apply different laws or legal standards. Coins or currencies contained in letters or packages are at the risk of the sender. The sender`s address must also be provided. Today, my client`s case was referred back to the Court of First Instance by the Court of Appeal. This case was remitted to the trial court for a new conviction because one of the charges was dismissed due to insufficient evidence at trial. Latin, it is returned, transferred, presence in the third person of the singular passive indicative of return remittance, the transfer fee must be sent by postal order or at the risk of the remitter in change (but not in stamps). If the sender or beneficiary is a peer or bishop, his ordinary title is sufficient.

“Remittitur.” Legal Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 11 October 2022. There are no comments to this post. Be the first and add your comment below. posted by Christopher Martens | 05. November 2015 | 0 Comments Bio Visalia and Bakersfield Defense attorney who has dedicated his life to helping people accused or injured for the negligence of others. After a trial, if an accused is found guilty of an indictment, he or she may seek an appeal in his or her case. Once the verdict is pronounced, the accused has 60 days to appeal. The notice of appeal is filed with the Court of First Instance, but the appeal is heard by the Court of Appeal. For cases before the Superior Court of Tulare County or the Superior Court of Kings County, the 5th California Court of Appeals reviews cases.

Once the notice of appeal is filed, the Court of Appeal orders the minutes of the hearing. Then, the Court of Appeal will appoint a lawyer to file motions and argue any gaps in evidence or constitutional rights violated by the trial court. No new evidence will be considered in the appeal process; Only evidence presented at trial and procedural rights guaranteed by law and the Constitution are considered by the Court of Appeal.

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What Does Rem Mean in Legal Terms

adj. from Latin “against or about a thing” and refers to a lawsuit or other legal action directed against property rather than against a specific person. So if ownership is the issue, the claim is “in rem.” The term is important because the location of the property determines which court has jurisdiction, and the enforcement of a judgment must be directed against the property and does not follow a person. “In rem” is different from “in personam”, which is addressed to a specific person. (See: in personam) Domain names that consist of trademark or support websites that sell counterfeit products are often sued for infringement and other damages. Almost anyone can buy a domain name from one of the many global domain registrars. Different registrars have different standards for collecting and verifying registrants` personal information, and finding the owner of a particular domain name is too often very difficult. If the damage caused by the domain name is sufficiently serious, a court may declare jurisdiction in the matter if the holder cannot be identified within a reasonable time. If you need help initiating real action, you can post your legal requirements on UpCounsel`s marketplace. UpCounsel only accepts the top 5% of lawyers on its website. UpCounsel lawyers come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and have an average of 14 years of legal experience, including working with or on behalf of companies such as Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb. The material idiom is one of many Latin idioms that have found their way into the common lexicon of legal idioms.

This translates to “in a case” and means that the court treats the property itself as a defendant. The availability of actual actions depends on the jurisdiction, but most often requires proof that the owner cannot reasonably be located and that the plaintiff could suffer damage, unless the court nevertheless renders a judgment. In rem is a Latin word meaning “in the thing itself”. This is also called real action. In rem is a legal term that defines the authority that a court can exercise over property (real or personal), or a “status” against a person over whom the court does not have jurisdiction in personam. Jurisdiction in rem means that ownership or status is the main focus of the dispute and not personal liability, which is not actually related to the property. A real action is a procedure that does not take note of the owner of the property, but establishes rights over the property that are conclusive against the whole world. For example, a lawsuit to determine whether certain goods illegally imported into the United States should be forfeited may be titled United States v. Thirty-nine Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Cigars. The purpose of the lawsuit is to determine the disposition of the property, regardless of who the owner is or who else may have an interest in it. Interested parties can appear and settle a case in one way or another, but the action is material, against things. A complicated question is whether the action takes place in rem or in personam.

It is common for admiralty proceedings to take place in personam, meaning that the owner of the property is prosecuted. The person bringing the action has the right to choose whether to bring a personal or actual legal action. In some circumstances, the proceedings involve both actions. A real action is an action aimed at establishing the ownership and rights of the parties. Title and rights are determined not only between the parties to the dispute, but also against all persons who claim an interest in this property at all times. It determines the property rights that are conclusive for the whole world. The action in rem is directed against movable or immovable property and may be brought against the property of debtors in order to collect what is due, to divide immovable property, to enforce mortgages and to enforce liens. An action in rem is admissible by a particular court only if that court has jurisdiction over the property or if jurisdiction extends to the property. The location of the property is important because the court can only hold the proceedings in the jurisdiction to which the land falls. The judgment can only be directed against the land and not against its owner. The jurisdiction of a court may be exercised only after the parties known to have an interest in the property have been informed of the proceedings and have had an opportunity to assert their rights before the court.

The real action is a type of legal process used to decide the title of an asset, as well as the rights granted to the parties listed in the title.3 min spent to read In real actions, actions can be brought against the debtors` assets in order to collect what is owed, and they are initiated for the division of real estate. Enforcement of mortgages and enforcement of liens. They may be directed against movable or immovable property. Actual actions are admissible only if the court has control of the property or if its powers extend to the property. For example, Kansas courts can rule on the rights of a farm in Kansas, but not on the ownership of a cannery in Texas. The substantive jurisdiction of a court can only be exercised after the parties known to have an interest in the immovable property have been informed of the proceedings and have had an opportunity to assert their rights before the court. In R. Viswanathan vs Rukn-Ul-Mulk Syed Abdul Wajid, it was stated that “Roman jurists recognized a right as jus in rem or jus in personam. According to its literal meaning in rem is just in relation to a thing, we in personam is a right against or in relation to a person. In modern legal terminology, a right in rem postulates the obligation to recognize the right generally imposed on all persons, a right in personam postulates an obligation imposed on a particular person or category of persons.

One of the universal requirements of a lawsuit is a dispute between at least two parties. Different jurisdictions have different requirements as to the circumstances in which prosecutions must be brought, but prosecutions take place everywhere between opposing parties. Most of the time, these parties are people or companies. Sometimes a holiday is one thing: a good, like land, or an intangible entity, like a marriage. If the owners cannot be located, a party can take legal action against the property itself. This type of action is known as “real action.” It has been pointed out in British Shipping Laws, Volume 14: “Although the point is not without uncertainty, it is likely that a maritime lien is a substantive right, whereas a statutory real right is essentially a procedural remedy. The existence of a legal right of action in rem is intended to enable the plaintiff to establish jurisdiction and provide security. A court may admit an action in rem only if the jurisdiction of the court extends to the property or if it has direct jurisdiction. Actual measures can only be taken within the jurisdiction of the actual location of the property. Moreover, the judgment is not directed against the owner of the property, but only against the property itself. Any good can be the object of real action. Land tends to be the most frequently mentioned defendant, but other properties such as ships and planes can also be mentioned.

Some inanimate objects, such as marriage, may qualify, usually when one spouse wants to divorce or dissolve and the other is completely disconnected. Increasingly, domain names are also mentioned as defendants. Domain names are Internet addresses and are the pages on which websites are located. Most actual actions are directed against property. This type of property lawsuit is common if, for example, title is disputed or when property is deemed dangerous or has caused harm. A court may decide to bring an action against the property as if it were a party. Such a case would be called something like “Jane Doe v. 123 Main Street,” with 123 Main Street being the disputed property. A real action can decide both personal and immovable rights and, in many cases, a debtor will bring this action against land in order to recover the sums owed to him. Other reasons for resorting to real measures are: If the ownership of property is the subject of a legal action, the action is called “in rem”. Substantive jurisdiction refers to the power of a court over real or personal property.

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What Does Legally Ordained Mean

Becoming a pastorHow to become an ordained ministerHow to become a legally ordained officerPrerequisites Only a person ordained to the priesthood can administer certain sacraments (especially the hearing of confession, the anointing of the anointing of the sick or the celebration of Mass – the Eucharist). For most Protestant denominations that have episcopal office, such as Lutheranism and Methodism, this is not considered a separate ordination or ministry. On the contrary, bishops are ordained ministers of the same order as other pastors who have simply been “ordained” or placed in the bishop`s “office” (i.e. work). However, some Lutheran churches also claim valid apostolic succession. [32] Would you like to know more about the MSA and the importance of our practices? What are the beliefs of American marriage ministries? or·dain past verb: ordain; Past participle: ordained Although the credentials required for the legal enforcement of marriages vary from state to state in the United States, the distinction between authorized and ordained ministers is often cited as a determining factor in the event of a conflict. Different states have different requirements as to who can solemnize a legally binding marriage; In some, only ordained ministers are authorized. In the state of California, for example, anyone can apply for the right to legally marry a couple; However, this right is only valid for one day. Some religions have strict rules about who can and cannot be ordained, while others ordain people of all backgrounds and beliefs without discrimination. (Like U.S. marriage ministries!) The tradition of the ordained monastic community (sangha) began with the Buddha, who founded orders of monks and later nuns.

The ordination procedure in Buddhism is defined in the Vinaya and Patimokkha or Pratimoksha scriptures. Today, there are three intact ordination lines in which one can receive ordination according to Buddha`s teachings: Some Protestant churches – especially Pentecostal and Charismatic – have an informal level of ministers. Those who attend Bible College or take one year of prescribed courses are licensed ministers. Two additional years of study or graduation from the seminary or higher theological school, as well as an examination by high-ranking ministers, lead to becoming an ordained minister. Authorized clergy are called “ministers” and ordained ministers are called “reverends.” They and evangelical pastors are usually ordained in a ceremony called “pastoral ordination.” [33] [34] [35] The original meaning of the ordained verb is “to appoint to the sacred office.” In Christianity, this is done through the ceremony of consecration, which sometimes refers to the sacrament of Holy Orders. Those who have gone through this process are usually referred to as ordained ministers, indicating that they have officially completed the steps towards obtaining their status as priests or ministers. Ordained ministers are said to be members of the clergy and often receive the title of reverend. The New Way ministry statement says Pope Francis appointed Sister Becquart to her position as undersecretary of the Vatican Synod of Bishops in February 2021, making her the first non-ordained person to hold the position. The local church is responsible for licensing pastors who serve in various capacities. A person applying for a license must provide the following information to their church board (or community, if they prefer): Religious leaders are usually called imams or sheikhs or maulana. The title imam (when used outside the historical Shia context) refers to someone who leads in prayer and can also be used in the linguistic sense for anyone who leads other Muslims in communal prayers.

Sheikh is an Arabic word meaning “old man” and is used as an honorable title for an educated man; Shaikhah refers to a woman who learned in Islamic affairs. This title is generally more common in Arab countries. The word Maulana is a title given to graduate students of a madrasa (Islamic theological school) across the Indian subcontinent. Although different Muslim schools, universities or madrasas may undergo different graduation ceremonies after completing a 4-year bachelor`s degree. of Islamic studies or a 7-8 Alim course, these ceremonies do not in any way symbolize ordination. Beginning in the twentieth century, many Protestant denominations began to reassess the role of women in their churches. Many now ordain women. [ref. needed] A woman named Deborah was a judge of the ancient Israelites according to the biblical book of judges. Partly on the basis of this precedent, other Protestant and non-confessional organizations grant ordination to women. Other denominations refute the claim of a precedent based on Deborah`s example, because she is not explicitly described as Israel`s ruler, but makes private judgments on contentious issues, does not teach publicly,[44] or runs the army. [44] [45] His message to fellow Justice Barak actually confirmed Israel`s male leadership.

[44] [45] The United Church of Canada has ordained women since 1932. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ordains women pastors, and women can be elected bishops. The Episcopal Church in the United States of America ordains women deacons, priests and bishops. The Evangelical Lutheran Church ordains women at all levels, including deacons, priests and bishops. Other denominations leave the decision to ordain women to the regional governing body or even to the congregation itself; these include the Christian Reformed Church in North America and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. The ordination of women in the second half of the 20th century was an important issue between Anglicans and Catholics, as the Catholic Church saw the ordination of women as a major obstacle to a possible rapprochement between the two churches. [ref. needed] The first records of ordination as an adjective date back to around 1300. The verb ordain is derived from the Latin verb ordināre, which means “to order, to order, to name”. These words were spoken by Joshu Sasaki Roshi, who ordained Leonard Cohen a Zen monk in 1996.

The main difference between the two is that the wedding official has a diploma that allows him to officiate a wedding. On the other hand, an ordained minister is ordained by a particular church and is allowed to perform other church activities in addition to a wedding. Learn about the definition and meaning of ordination, how people of different denominations and churches are ordained, and the rights of ministers and other clergy to perform marriages, funerals, and other religious and spiritual ceremonies. The Christian priesthood is traditionally reserved for men. Some claim that women were ordained deacons in the first millennium of Christianity, but their claims are controversial. After the Protestant Reformation and the loosening of authority structures within many denominations, most Protestant groups reimagined the role of the ordained priesthood. Many have abolished it completely. Others fundamentally changed it, often preferring a rabbinical married doctrinal clergyman (word) and rejecting any notion of sacrificial priesthood. A common epithet used by Protestants (especially Anglicans) against Catholics was that Catholics were a “priestly infested” people. Hatred of priests was a common element of anti-Catholicism and pogroms against Catholics, which focused on the expulsion, murder, or forced “secularization” of priests.

[ref. needed] These encounters convince him that he may be able to deviate from his predestined path of wickedness. Unlike most other Buddhist traditions, including all Tibetan Buddhist schools that follow the Vinaya, NKT-IKBU ordination consists of the five commandments of a layman as well as five other rules created by Kelsang Gyatso. He must consider them as a “practical condensation” of the 253 Vinaya vows of fully ordained monks. [5] This means that pastors and other clergy have the constitutional right to perform religious and spiritual ceremonies of all forms, regardless of the path their church or denomination chooses toward ordination. However, legislators in some states disagree and have repeatedly tried (without much success) to regulate the internal affairs of churches by defining themselves whether a minister is really “ordained” or not. As a young man, Darwin was deeply religious and even thought he was ordained. Ordained is an adjective that means having obtained official status as a priest, minister or other religious authority through a sanctioned process. An authorized person must preside over the ceremony at a wedding. A marriage can be solemnized in most states by a justice of the peace or a licensed or ordained minister. Different states have different requirements for the clergy.

The main discrimination takes place at the religious level. For a religious wedding, it is also necessary that a wedding leader be ordained. Here in this article, we have discussed some differences between a wedding leader and an ordained minister.

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What Does It Mean When a Company Is Liable for Dissolution

As long as the form has been completed correctly, your application will be published in The Gazette, the government`s official public registry. If no one objects to the dissolution of your company, it will be removed from the commercial register two months after notification in the Official Journal. Articles of dissolution also inform creditors that your business has closed and that you are no longer responsible for debts. If a company returns money to its shareholders while it still has an outstanding debt, the creditor may sue and shareholders may have to repay the amounts received. If there are unpaid taxes, shareholders may be personally required to repay those taxes. MORE: Can a director be held personally liable if a company goes bankrupt? 1. Overview A change in the business climate or the objectives of the parties may signal that it is time to end a partnership and relieve the parties of their duties. If one of the partners retires, dies or goes bankrupt, the termination of the contract can be triggered automatically in accordance with the terms of the partnership agreement. Alternatively, the objectives of the partnership may have been achieved and the formal relationship between the parties may no longer be necessary. Articles of dissolution are the opposite of articles of organization or incorporation – they end the existence of your business entity.

If you don`t file articles of dissolution when a business closes, the state assumes you`re still doing business and continues to expect you to file reports and pay taxes and fees. If you fail to do so, you may be held liable for additional fines and penalties. For some small business owners, the time comes when they have to leave their operations and liquidate their business. It`s a stressful time and a multi-step process. To make the process easier, here are seven common steps to dissolving a business. Yes, and it happens often. Companies House wants anyone who wishes to voluntarily dissolve their business to meet certain conditions. In small businesses, shareholders or members are often involved in day-to-day operations and are usually aware of the circumstances. A company`s articles of association and the LLC operating agreement typically outline the dissolution process and required approvals. Any corporation may be dissolved with the unanimous written consent of the shareholders; It is a voluntary dissolution of a corporation by unanimous written consent of its shareholders. This provision applies, of course, mainly to limited holding capital companies. Dissolution can also be carried out if some shareholders oppose it.

The directors must first pass a majority resolution recommending dissolution. Shareholders must then have the opportunity to vote on the resolution at a meeting after being informed of the purpose. A majority of the outstanding voting shares are required to support the resolution. Although this procedure is most often used when a company has been inactive, there is nothing to prevent its use by large companies. In 1979, UV Industries, 357. on the Fortune 500 list with a profit of $40 million a year, to dissolve and distribute about $500 million to its shareholders, in part to ward off a hostile takeover. Fortune magazine called it “a society worth more dead than living.” Fortune, February 26, 1979, pp. 42-44. You can prepare articles of dissolution by filling out a form on the website of the state agency responsible for business filings in your state.

In most countries, this is the Minister of Foreign Affairs. It is important to realize that dissolution does not mean absolution. Shareholders and directors are liable for faults, even if the corporation is dissolved. In addition, shareholders and directors may bring actions against persons and entities that have caused damage to the Company. Let us assume that liability arises or will be continued after dissolution. Does the creditor or claimant have no effective legal protection? What is the risk to the shareholders, directors or owners of the now dissolved corporation? The answer is that a certain liability with different limits is linked to the liability prescribed by law. The purpose of this article is to outline the essential law in this area. Indeed, the termination process includes, among other things, the payment of unpaid tax bills, the provision of current accounts and the filing of tax returns with HMRC. Of course, the tax office keeps a watchful eye on these things. On the other hand, liquidation usually means that the name can no longer be used. A common misconception about the EIN is that you can simply cancel or close it if you break up a business.

The IRS cannot cancel your EIN. Once your business is assigned an NIS, it becomes the permanent federal government tax identification number for that business. Whether or not you used the EIN to file federal tax returns, the EIN will never be reused or assigned to another business entity. The EIN continues to belong to the business unit and can be used later if necessary. After the dissolution of a company, it must liquidate its assets. Liquidation refers to the process of selling or auctioning the tangible assets of the business. Keep in mind that only assets held by your company can be liquidated. Therefore, you cannot liquidate assets that are used as collateral for loans. The assets used as collateral for loans must be given to the bank or creditor that made the loan, or you must repay the loan before selling these assets.

Once a company has been removed from the commercial register, it becomes illegal for it to continue its activities. There are potentially serious legal consequences for the directors of a corporation that remains active after its dissolution. The first step to dissolving your business is for the owners or the board of directors, depending on whether the corporation is in public or private hands, pass a dissolution resolution. Once all shareholders have approved it, your corporation must file the dissolution with the Secretary of State`s office.

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What Does Et Al Mean in Legal Documents

Historically, the legal profession has tended to incorporate Latin idioms into its daily jargon. “Sprinkling”, “peppering” and even “garbage” could just as easily describe this trend. Over the centuries, and especially in the last hundred years, there has been a gradual deviation from it. But some old-fashioned formulations still exist. So, if you own property with other people, you may find that your name is listed once at the top of the title deed and never again. This does not mean that you will be excluded from the law. Usually, this means that you are wrapped in the et al. used in the document. In this scenario, et al. refers to all those who have an ownership interest in the title. Having an ownership interest is called in the title “possessability” (more legal jargon). The legal meaning of et al.

is largely the same in both situations, as it is also used to refer to a large group of people. In this case, however, it is not paternity, but personal interest. et al. is a Latin expression that is an abbreviated form of and alia, which means “and others”. It allows authors of academic and legal forms and contracts to mention a collaborative work or the interests of several people in a space-saving way. In this respect, “et al.” is very similar to “etc.” – etcetera, which means “and the rest.” However, while etc. refers to a list of things, et al. refers exclusively to a list of people. There should always be a period after et al. to show that it is an abbreviation.

A: “Et al.” is a Latin phrase meaning “and others.” It is used by lawyers to indicate that the name given is not an exhaustive list of those affected by the legal document. You will often find that et al. are used in important legal documents such as real estate deeds or records where several people own property. However, it can also often be seen on: et al. means “and others”. It is an abbreviation for other owners whose names are not fully written. For example, if a property is owned by three brothers, Darren Pitt, Gareth Pitt and Nathaniel Pitt, a real estate document may refer to the “property of Darren Pitt et al”. Needless to say, legal documents can be quite complex. And although the modern use of Latin seems somewhat archaic, et al. actually offers a convenient way to shorten long and cumbersome lists. On the other hand, the use of and ux.

and vir are not as useful in legal documents. That said, you can still meet him in action. It should be noted that Latin is a historically gendered language. According to convention, et alii is masculine plural and also serves as the norm for a mixed group. On the other hand, and aliae is exclusively feminine plural. And alia is gender neutral. The abbreviation et al. covers all three meanings. On this page you will find the legal definition and meaning of Et al., written in plain English, as well as examples of how it is used. It is in many ways very similar to “etc.” However, etc.

(which is an abbreviated form of et cetera, meaning “and the rest”) is often used to display a list of things or objects rather than people. If you are referring to a group of individuals, etc., this is the best choice. And al. comes from the Latin expression meaning “and others”. It is usually designed with a dot, but you will sometimes see et al too. The term et al. is an abbreviation of the Latin expression “et alia”, which means “and others”. et al. is often used instead of a list of names, whether people or places, when the list would be exhaustive or simply useless. The most common use of et al.

is found in essays, research papers, and legal writings. To explore this concept, consider the following definition et al. n. Abbreviation of the Latin expression et alii, which means “and others”. This is often used to shorten the name of a case, as in “Pat Murgatroyd v. Sally Sherman, et al.” The abbreviation “et al.” is similar to the abbreviated phrase “etc.”, which means “and the rest”. Where etc. refers to things, et al. refers to people. Both sentences are so commonly used in the English language that they do not need to be italicized, but require a period after the last letter.

There are some rules about when the use of et al. is appropriate, although these vary slightly depending on the writing style. Jayne Thompson holds an LL.B. in Law and Business Administration from the University of Birmingham and an LL.M. in International Law from the University of East London. She practiced at various “large law firms” before embarking on a career as a commercial writer. Her work has appeared on numerous legal blogs, including Quittance, Upcounsel and Medical Neglect Experts. And ux. is abbreviated in Latin for and uxor, meaning “and wife”. It corresponds to and vir, which is the integral Latin for “and husband”. We can only assume that and vir appeared quite short and therefore remained integral. It is used in deeds when a married couple owns property in common.

The same problem can occur when drafting and interpreting wills. Of course, wills are instructions that someone leaves behind when they die. This person is known as the testator when making the will and as the deceased upon death. Among other things, a will can order how property is to be distributed upon the owner`s death. Often the property is left to several people. Once everyone has been identified by name, many estate planning documents go further and use et al. However, the non-recognition of the rights of all those contained in the abbreviation may also lead to conflicts in this context. et al. should not be used in the deed of transfer of ownership to its new owners. According to the law, all settlors (persons who sell or transfer the property) and beneficiaries (persons who buy or receive the property) must be fully registered in order for their names to appear in the land registers when the deed is registered. All grantors must sign the deed to ensure that title is effectively transferred to the new owners. If you are not sure if you are listed in a deed, you can investigate with the district clerk`s office.

These are government agencies responsible for maintaining public records of land transfers over time. Each time ownership is transferred, the names of the owners involved are listed with a legal description of the property. The party surrendering the property is called the grantor; The party receiving the transfer is called the beneficiary. When used and the like in a judgment against defendants, this means that the words quoted are applicable to all defendants. Only in later documents is the phrase et al. used as an abbreviation for the original document. The use of the phrase does not affect legal ownership in any way – the three Pitt brothers would still have the legal title, even if future documents only mention Darren et al. et al. is most often found in scholarly writings, especially when used to avoid having to list a number of different authors in a bibliography or footnote. You can use it to describe people who have come to a dinner party, but it may seem quite strange. Some of the Latin abbreviations found in English lend themselves well to conversational use (we often hear, i.e.

are used in the language), while others seem out of place. For example, few people would say “ibid.” (meaning “in the same place”) in response to the question “Where are my hat and gloves?” The most common place you can see et al. is in an academic citation. However, it can also be used for legal documents that require multiple people to be noted in a single part. This short abbreviated Latin expression is of great benefit to people working with formal documents and academic texts, and knowing how to use it can be very helpful. In this article we explain: The Latin phrase et al. is actually an abbreviation. Translated into English, et al. means “and others”. It comes from the Latin words and (“and”) + alii (“other”). Its function is to spare authors and readers the work of long and possibly trivial lists. In this way, it is very similar to et cetera, the Latin phrase for “and other things,” which is usually abbreviated to etc.

Just as etc. can be used to shorten a long list of inanimate or abstract things, and al. can do the same for a long list of named people. Deeds are used to transfer real estate from the former owners to the new owners. (Remember the “s” in parentheses in the introduction to this article.) In this context, the essential meaning of et al. does not change. It always means “and others.” If you have any doubts or don`t understand your title deed, you should probably seek professional legal advice. Earlier is usually better than later. An early visit to a lawyer can save you time and money. In many counties, especially those with large populations, these property records can be found online.

However, keep in mind that you will need to investigate with the registrar`s office in the county where the property is located. In addition, you may notice that the files have not yet been completed. This may be because the transfer in question was new or because someone did not fill out the paperwork for some reason. In general, it is preferable to reserve the use of the expression et al. for formal writing, such as citations in research papers, essays, and other formal documents. Regarding the common question about using commas with et al., a good rule of thumb is to treat it as the actual phrase “and others.” This usually requires a comma to be placed immediately after the name and before et al.

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What Does Article Mean in English

Uncountable names are names that are difficult or impossible to count. The myriad of names include intangible things (e.g., information, air), liquids (e.g., milk, wine), and things too big or too numerous to count (e.g., equipment, sand, wood). Since these things cannot be counted, you should never use one or one with them – remember, the indefinite article is only for singular nouns. However, countless names can be changed by words like some. Consider the following examples for reference: The Spotlight program is complemented by custom events that are sold either as standalone products or as part of larger editorial packages that can include anything from articles to custom videos. What is an item? Basically, an article is an adjective. Like adjectives, article nouns change. Many languages and nationalities are not preceded by an article. Consider the following example: In this sense, indefinite articles are often used to refer to something as an idea or concept. This article noted that the F-35 is currently unable to link live video to ground troops. Sports and academic subjects do not require articles. See the following sentences for reference: The indefinite article has two forms. It is the word a when it precedes a word that begins with a consonant.

It is the word sur when it precedes a word that begins with a vowel. The indefinite article indicates that a name refers to a general idea rather than a specific thing. For example, you might ask your friend, “Should I bring a gift to the party?” Your friend will understand that you are not asking for a specific type of gift or item. “I`ll bring an apple pie,” your friend tells you. Again, the vague article suggests that it is not talking about a particular apple pie. Your friend probably doesn`t even have a cake yet. The indefinite article appears only with singular names. Consider the following examples of undefined elements used in context: However, if you describe water in countable units (such as bottles), you can use the undefined element. Possessive pronouns can help determine whether you are talking about specific or non-specific items. As we have seen, the articles also indicate specificity. But if you use both a possessive pronoun and an article at the same time, readers will be confused. Possessive pronouns are words like being, my, our, being, them and their.

Articles should not be used with pronouns. Consider the following examples. Water is an innumerable name and should not be used with the indefinite article. In English, there are two indefinite articles: a and an. A is used before consonants or consonant sounds, and a is used before vowels or vowel sounds. Indefinite articles are basically the opposite of some articles and have several different roles. Did you know that all articles are determinants, but what exactly is a determinant? Find out here. Confused about articles? Grammar provides suggestions as you write. Get Grammarly He had the courage, the temerity, to sign his name for the article and thus engage irrevocably in propaganda. For example, when I say, “Let`s read the book,” I mean a specific book. When I say, “Let`s read a book,” I mean every book, not a specific book. This document discusses the differences between indefinite (a/year) and specific (the) items.

Sometimes an article changes a noun, which is also modified by an adjective. The usual word order is article + adjective + noun. If the item is indeterminate, select one based on the word immediately following it. Consider the following examples as a reference: In writing and language, indefinite articles are often used to introduce the first mention of a name. Once the name is entered, it is possible to use a specific article. The same outlet incorporated the phrase “engagement to toy boy lovers” in the title of their article on Fry. An article is a word that precedes a name to indicate whether it is specific or general. Some nouns use the article and general nouns use the article a (or an if the next word begins with a vowel). This article was originally published on our Biology and Beyond channel in June 2020. I must tell you how happy I am with your article in “Nature”, which I just read. Since the publication of the article, the Senate has voted against the government and the law will come into force this year. I assumed in my speech that it should be sent back and that the Constitution should come here and that this clause should be rejected.

This can be used with uncounted names, or the article can be omitted altogether. Note: As a grammatical term, Latin articulus was a translation of the Greek throne “point of connection, joint”, which in the Stoic grammatical tradition referred to both the pronoun (Árthron hÅrÃsmenon “definite article”) and the article (Árthron aÓriston/aorÃstÅdes “indefinite article”, although Greek only had what is now considered a definite article in traditional grammar). In the later works of the grammarian Apollonius Dyscolus (2nd century AD), the pronoun received its own term (antÅnymÃa). The Roman grammarian Quintilier clearly understood articulus as an “article” in the modern sense, stating that “our language [i.e. Latin, as opposed to Greek] needs no articles” (“noster sermo articulos non desiderat”). Previously, the editor could get approximations of this behavior by retrieving some article data, but this speeded up the process. These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “article”. The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. This article, the second in a series on global migration caused by climate change, is the result of a partnership between ProPublica and The New York Times Magazine with support from the Pulitzer Center. We can divide the articles into two different types. The definite article is used before singular and plural nouns if the noun is specific or special.

This indicates that the name is unambiguous, that it refers to a particular member of a group. For example: Many names (including some that fall into the above categories) can only include an article in a few cases, depending on how they are used in a sentence. Here are some examples: You don`t use articles with countless possessive nouns or pronouns. Some names such as nationalities, school subjects and sports do not need articles, especially if they relate to abstract ideas. In English, there are only three articles. You are: This article was adapted from an article originally published by IranWire. English has two types of articles: definite and indefinite. Let`s discuss it in more detail now. English has two articles: the and a/an.

This is used to refer to specific or specific names; A/an is used to modify non-specific or undefined names. We name the definite article and a/to the indefinite article. Some names do not take articles. Unfortunately, there is no general rule for when this happens, and you only need to learn these instances when you encounter them. Some common types of names that don`t typically use articles are: Often, a sentence needs an article before a name to be grammatically meaningful. For example, definite and indefinite articles indicate whether they describe something specific or general. “The” is the definite article and “a” and “a” are indefinite articles. Also remember that in English, indefinite articles are used to indicate membership in a group: the man ate an extravagant meal in a fancy restaurant. Elegant! This elegant phrase uses three of the most commonly used words: le, a and an.

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What Documents Need to Apply Passport

Complete the application by hand. Download the passport application form (DS-11) and instructions and complete the application by hand or go to a local passport acceptance point to obtain a copy to complete. Complete the online application. Use the Apply for a Passport Wizard to complete the application process step by step. Once you have completed the application, print it out to bring it to the passport acceptance point. Passport applications cannot be submitted online. For more information, see these passport FAQs. Note: Due to public health measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, there are currently a very limited number of special measures for passports. Please note the updated changes to the passport application and renewal process due to the coronavirus pandemic.

You can now apply at a reception centre or renew it by mail, but unless there is a life-or-death emergency, you will experience delays in receiving your passport and returning your citizenship documents such as previous passports and birth and naturalization certificates. You can apply for both a passport book and a passport card at the same time on Form DS-11, but you will have to pay both fees. For more information, see Passport Card. I asked for both a passport booklet and a passport card: you can receive three separate shipments; one with your citizenship documents, one with your newly issued passport booklet and one with your newly issued passport card. You can wait 4 weeks after receiving your passport booklet before receiving a second and third mail with your passport card and citizenship documents. If you submit your application using Form DS-11, you are not authorized to submit your application by mail. You can submit your Form DS-82. In addition, the Department of State does not currently have the ability to submit your passport application online.

A passport card is more convenient and cheaper than a passport booklet, but it cannot be used for international air travel. When completing your child`s passport application, we recommend that you include your name in the “Supported” section of the “Mailing Address” section of Form DS-11. Note: Some documents, such as a U.S. birth certificate, indicate both U.S. citizenship and parental relationship. These documents must be originals or certified true copies (not photocopies). If you live outside of the United States or Canada: Contact your local U.S. embassy or consulate for information and forms on all passports requested abroad. If you are late in paying child support of $2,500 or more, you will not be able to get a U.S. passport. For more information, see Child Support and Getting a U.S. Passport.

If you are travelling in more than seven weeks, you can follow the regular application process and submit your application in person at a passport acceptance office. If you travel frequently, check the “52 pages” box at the top of your passport application to obtain a larger 52-page passport booklet. If a parent/guardian cannot accompany the child to apply for the passport, permission may be granted by completing Form DS-3053 “Consent Form”. You must submit the completed form with the child`s passport application. The parent who cannot walk with the child must: Personal documents – You must bring the following documents: To prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect our employees and customers, we significantly reduced passport operations in March 2020. We have temporarily suspended expedited passport processing and limited service to emergencies, life and death. As global conditions change and U.S. states reopen, we are resuming operations in stages. We ask that you be patient while we process your request safely. If you have any questions about passports, visit the Department of Foreign Affairs website. Please note that passport operations continue to be impacted by COVID-19. And processing times change throughout the year.

Check passport status to see current processing times and more. You must present one of the following identification documents (ID) to the acceptor. The ID should easily identify you. The application process is the same for the passport booklet or card, even if you want both at the same time. You must appear in person to submit your application. Please contact your U.S. Embassy and Consulate to find out how to submit your documents, as processes vary. In Step 7, View Parental Consent on the Department of State`s Passport for Children Under 16 page, you will find forms and documents that you can provide. Watch this video to learn how to apply for your child`s U.S. in person. Pass! At your appointment, you will need to provide immediate proof of travel, expedited fees, and the items listed below to renew your passport. You must submit one of the following U.S.

citizenship documents for your child. Your proof must be an original or a certified physical copy. Photocopies and notarized copies will not be accepted. If you`re outside the U.S., ask your U.S. embassy or consulate what payment methods they can accept. This applies to passport renewals or applications for new passports. Passport application fees and fulfillment fees are non-refundable. They are collected and stored by law, even if no passport is issued.

If you do not wish to submit a photocopy of your proof of citizenship, you may submit a second certified copy of your proof of citizenship, which we will keep. If you do not submit a photocopy or a second certified copy of your proof of citizenship, the processing of your passport may be delayed. If any of these conditions apply, you will not be able to renew your passport. Instead, you must apply for a new passport in person using Form DS-11.

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What Do You Mean by Contract Carriage Permit

Contract transportation means a motor vehicle that transports one or more passengers for hire or reward and that is entered into under an express or implied contract for the use of the entire vehicle for the carriage of the passengers referred to therein, entered into by a person licensed for that vehicle or a person authorized by the person to do so at a fixed or agreed rate. or sum on a temporal basis, whether or not it relates to distance or distance; either from one point to another and in both cases without stopping to pick up or drop off passengers not included in the contract, anywhere during the journey, and includes a maxi cabin and an engine cabin, regardless of the separate fares charged to their passengers. The owner of the vehicle can apply for a bus permit. Such a permit is issued by the STA for vehicles carrying passengers to different parts of Delhi on a fixed route and according to the tariff set by the STA. The total seating capacity of such vehicles should not exceed 12 persons without a driver. Drivers who used three-wheeled Harley-Davidson motor vehicles received Phat Phat Sewa licenses. These vehicles have since been replaced by vehicles with a maximum capacity of 9 seats. You drive on a fixed route and calculate the fare according to the S.T.A. license.

These permits are issued by MLO (AR) Burari for the transport of passengers to various locations in Delhi. The rate is calculated based on the rate meter mounted on these vehicles and determined by STA. The rates in force are as follows: – This authorization is granted for driver`s cabs with a capacity of five seats. The color of the cabins is allowed only by white. The applicant for this permit should have an office with telephone at a suitable booking location for tourist passengers. The applicant must have an authorized parking space to park these vehicles and sufficient financial resources to purchase the vehicle. The road tax is paid at national borders. DLZ permits are issued for luxury cars. These are approvals initially issued by one State and subsequently confirmed in another State by that State or regional transport authority under section 88 of the Motor Vehicle Act 1988. Given Delhi Government notification number F. PA/JCV/OPS/Tpt./1613/05/1447 of 5. In January 2006, no countersignatures will be issued under section 88 of the Motor Vehicle Act of 1988 for trucks registered in other states with a total laden weight of 7500 kg or less.

if they do not run on clean fuel. National approvals: In July 2010, it became common knowledge that Southwest Airlines had classified mechanical difficulties in its contract of carriage as force majeure, expanding the definition previously shared with Delta, American, Continental and United. [1] The airline later clarified that these were mechanical difficulties beyond its control, such as the failure of the air traffic control system or the fuel systems operated by the airport. National licences are issued to trucks so that they can drive outside their home state. National approval is granted for at least four contiguous States (including the State of origin) in accordance with Regulations 86 and 87 of the Central Motor Vehicle Regulations, 1989. To obtain such licences, the maximum age of a private vehicle must not exceed 12 years. However, the maximum age of a multi-axle vehicle should not exceed 15 years. To obtain the national permit, the applicant must apply for Forms 46 and 48 as well as other formalities According to aviation analyst Henry Harteveldt, the airline`s contract of carriage[3] favours the company, not the passenger. Involuntary refusal of carriage is not uncommon,[4] but the distance after boarding because the seat is needed by others is “extremely rare”.

Nevertheless, an airline is entitled to it under the contract. “Remember, this is their plane and their seat — you only rent it to get from point A to point B,” Harteveldt told Business Insider. [5] The licensee may drive a vehicle under contract with his client for a specified destination inside or outside the state. That agreement should be concluded between customers and operators and the passenger list should also be made available to the bus driver. This is the most common type of licence used for rental and reward purposes. The permit holder may work for a fixed destination in Delhi or outside Delhi under contract with his client. To that end, an agreement should be concluded between customers and operators and the passenger list should also be available from the bus driver. The authorisation holder may not select passengers other than those on the list.

These types of buses are also known as charter buses. These approvals are granted in accordance with section 74 of the Motor Vehicle Act 1988. The applicant must submit an application with other formalities on the BCP form. From time to time, the National Transport Authority announces a system for issuing a transport permit in stages, depending on the requirements for buses on the different routes of the city. These approvals are granted in accordance with section 72 of the Motor Vehicle Act 1988. Permit holders may use their buses according to their assigned routes to accommodate passengers from one location to another. All DTC buses and private tourist buses fall into this category.

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