What Pets Are Legal in Nh

Animals that are under a hazardous wildlife licence may be kept as pets. Clacoon dogs and wild animals cannot be kept as pets. Oregon lists some wild animals as uncontrolled, and therefore, these pets do not need a permit: No permit is required to own farm or domestic animals, domestic birds, or conventional pets, including, but not limited to: Proponents of abolishing licensing requirements in New Hampshire argue that the government should have no say in animals that a Particular wants to keep. They point to existing state laws regarding cruelty to animals or dangerous animals and say the rest should be left to the individual. Oregon allows some native wildlife to be kept as pets, but you must have a valid wildlife license and are limited to three per household. Native wildlife includes: Some native species may be kept without a permit, although the number of pets may be limited, including: Maryland allows certain animals to be kept as pets without a permit, including: In New Hampshire, there has recently been no legislation to change the laws governing the ownership of exotic animals. Non-native raccoons can be kept as pets with proper veterinary inspection and proof of legal ownership. Some may be held under an exhibitor`s license, others are not allowed within national borders at all. I scoured the laws of New Hampshire to see which animals can`t be kept as pets in our state. Some wild animals are considered dangerous and therefore prohibited as pets: Some animals are not allowed as pets in Nevada, including: No permit is required to have certain wild animals, including: Indiana does not specifically prohibit having animals as pets. Virginia does not explicitly prohibit pets from being pets. However, permits can be difficult to obtain.

New Mexico does not list exotic animals that can be kept as pets. It is illegal to possess dangerous regulated animals, including: Although many cities in New Mexico have much stricter exotic animal laws than at the state level, some animals are prohibited as pets in the state of New Mexico, including: Pets with naturally dangerous wild animals are prohibited unless they belonged before 13/07/2005, includes: Ferrets may be kept as pets, provided that permission is granted within two weeks of acquiring the animal. Some native wild-caught animals can be kept as pets without a permit as long as their environment complies with regulations. including: It is illegal to release the following species into NH (FIS 805): Certain pets are prohibited as pets if purchased after March 1, 1986, including: Louisiana does not list specific pets allowed by law without a permit. Permits are required for the importation, transportation and possession of illegally possessed wildlife. Colorado prohibits certain pets from being pets, including: Some native and non-native animals cannot be owned as pets, including: Some animals are prohibited as pets because they are harmful to the environment, including: Wild animals purchased and registered before 31.12.07 and microchipped before 01.09.07 are allowed as pets, as long as they are registered with the State. And a long list of requirements has not been violated. LEGAL to keep uncontrolled and controlled category 1 species as pets.

Prohibits unranked species except for category 5 exponents with exemption. PERMITS: Oregon allows people with disabilities to own service monkeys as pets. Maybe you`ve always wanted to own a pet monkey, or you`re wondering if it`s legal for your neighbor to have that cougar in their yard. Luckily for your curiosity, every state has exotic animal laws that allow, restrict, or prohibit the ownership of certain animal species. The following article describes some of these state laws in more detail. Some exotic animals are not considered wild and therefore may be pets without a permit, including: Some animals can be taken out of the wild without permission and kept as pets as long as they are safely trapped, including: North Carolina does not list specific animals that can certainly be kept as pets. Washington bans certain pets as pets for a variety of reasons. Washington considers some animals too dangerous to keep as pets, including: Vermont maintains an unrestricted wildlife list with animals that can be kept as pets without a permit, including: Animals classified as endangered by the federal government or the Commonwealth of Kentucky cannot be kept as pets. Native herpes are allowed as pets in limited numbers, including: The Ministry of Health has reserved the authority to issue regulations for the following animals as pets: I think it would also be illegal to keep humans as pets, but you certainly can`t keep another primate in your home.

All these TV shows with monkeys in the house have trained animals and professionals. Your life would definitely be no better than trying to keep a monkey as a pet. A non-commercial wildlife breeding license is required to own wildlife that are not specifically permitted as pets, including: Because of the danger associated with pet ownership, some states completely prohibit the possession of wild or exotic animals, while most simply limit ownership to certain species.

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