What Is the Definition of Compassionate Care

In addition, leading nursing authorities, including Dr. Patricia Benner, have identified four characteristics of compassionate health care: Compassionate care can help people with terminal illness manage pain and symptoms to provide the best possible quality of life. A life-limiting illness can be painful, and families should try to alleviate it with the help of health care providers. Together, they can work with patients to discover the causes of pain and the best ways to treat and alleviate it. The need for elder care can arise over time or, literally, overnight. For example, if an elderly parent is recovering from a hip fracture or has had a stroke, they may need services when they are discharged from hospital. On the other hand, if you notice that their cognitive or physical health is slowly deteriorating, their care for small needs may begin and become more engaged as their condition worsens. Nurses need the knowledge and skills to relieve pain both through the use of medication and through non-pharmacological means. The third attribute of compassionate care was relief from suffering. Too often, we focus on the diagnosis, forgetting the need to relieve the patient`s pain and suffering. Kindness is what helps us remember it (Benner, 2000).

As nurses, we need to understand what suffering is and how it is perceived by the patient in order to provide the compassion and care needed to alleviate it (Ohlen, 2002). Nurses need the knowledge and skills to relieve pain both through the use of medication and non-pharmacological means. They must be able to comfort the patient who is suffering both emotionally and physically. The caring and compassionate nurse responds with openness to the specific situation of suffering patients and adapts her actions to the situation. This shows a sensitivity to their suffering (Watson, 2008) and a responsibility to alleviate it (Ohlen, 2002). The U.S. nurses in this study described suffering relief as follows: In summary, the results of this study provide further understanding of how nurses in the United States perceive the concept and delivery of compassionate care. Nursing is about paying attention to the patient and engaging with them in intentional actions that can provide support during difficult times (Watters, 2009). Watters` description is consistent with participants` responses to our listening study. relationship building; and alleviation of suffering, all of which are deliberate acts of care to provide support. These deliberate acts of care are art, the very essence of nursing.

Ray, M. (2016). Dynamics of cross-cultural care in nursing and health care. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. Beds for care of the elderly, beds for the elderly and compassionate beds, beds that help seniors and elderly caregivers Compassionate care is medical and emotional care for patients with incurable illnesses and may include palliative care. These services can be for a person of any age who needs end-of-life care. These examples and quotes had five characteristics or themes illustrating the attributes of care and compassion, listening, developing a relationship, relieving suffering, touching and overcoming the role of the nurse.

These topics support the evidence from the current literature on compassion, care, and compassionate care provided by nurses in the United States. “Compassion requires action. I see nurses volunteering to help with disasters, use their holidays, pray with patients and take care of people. Especially the less fortunate. Nurses get involved in politics and take risks because they care about people. The nurses in this study shared their definitions of compassion and care as deep care, service to others, and a desire to help others. The results of this study show how nurses in the United States perceive compassion and care in their practice. The nurses in this study shared their definitions of compassion and care as deep care, service to others, and a desire to help others. They shared examples of their own acts of care and compassion and how they saw other nurses show care. Compassionate care or deep care for others is characteristic of nursing and involves both being with someone and doing intentional things (Papadopoulos et al., 2015). Elder care should become a discussion as soon as you or your elderly loved one notices changes.

Postponing or delaying aid could jeopardize their well-being and safety, but they can still resist change. Never make decisions related to elder care without input from the person receiving the services. presentations and research from the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare; Media library, video gallery Background: Many authors have defined compassion, with some nuances that differ from case to case. This requires specificity in the definition of the term. Wallis (2005) described compassion as “the side where caring care is written” (p. 267). She talked about the critical care setting. In this context, technology expertise and evidence-based care practice are at the forefront of nurses` professional responsibilities, but it is critical that nurses do not neglect compassionate care. Watson (2009) noted that with increasing patient burden and other health care trends, nurses must also be able to build caring relationships with patients, an action that suggests compassion.

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