What Are Some Legal Issues in Education in the Philippines

In 2005, a 13-year-old student with special needs was called out of the classroom and questioned by police officers in the presence of school officials about burglaries in the neighborhood. Her parents were not contacted and her Miranda rights were not read to her, such as the right to remain silent, to leave the room or to have access to a lawyer. The child confessed to the crime, but then tried to suppress his confession because he had not received any evidence of his rights while in police custody in the school`s conference room. That case, J.D.B. v. North Carolina (2011), was later heard by the Supreme Court, which ruled that age should have been taken into account in deciding whether the student was in custody on school property. The judges went on to say that there are psychological differences between an adult and a child, and if the police are involved in questioning students, they must use “common sense” because of differences in children`s development. In this case, Miranda`s warnings should have been applied appropriately to the student prior to his interrogation. For a brief overview, let`s list the main educational issues in the Philippines: As discussed in Chapter 1, the first step to becoming a legally recognized teacher is to obtain a teaching license. Each state has different requirements for obtaining a teaching license because they define the specific provisions, knowledge, and skills required to maintain and maintain employment in a school in that state. If you choose an educator preparation program (such as a college education major), work to meet the requirements for a teaching license in the state where your institution is located. Many states have reciprocity with teaching licenses from other states, which means you can get a teaching license in one state and teach in another, as long as you also qualify for a teaching license in that new state. Often, reciprocity means that a second teaching license is as simple as a test, or that it may require some additional courses or training.

In most states, you need a valid teaching license to teach in public schools. Private schools may or may not require a teaching license depending on the state. In fact, it is clear that there is a class gap between rich and poor students in the country. Although this is the case, less developed countries can focus on learning when it is covered by their main concerns. However, the Philippines is not investing in world-class learning compared to its neighboring countries. In fact, despite the digital age, many public schools lack computers and other tools. In addition, the shortage of teachers in public schools is also one of the country`s main problems, as they are among the lowest paid employees. In addition, more than 3 million children, adolescents and adults are still not enrolled since school closures. A professional code of ethics governs a teacher`s relationships, roles, behaviour, interactions, and communication with students, families, administrators, and the community at large.

It provides educators with a means to regulate personal behavior and ethical decision-making. He doesn`t tell a teacher why he or she should do anything. A good knowledge of laws, laws and other legal influences will help you define your role as an ethical teacher who is equally fair and responsible. I have a question, these legal bases and this legislation, are they still in place in the 21st century? In East Hartford Education Association v. Board of Education (1977), a public school teacher was reprimanded for not wearing a tie during English classes. Together with his teachers` union, he sued the Education Committee on the grounds that the dress code warning violated his right to freedom of expression and privacy. This case was heard by the U.S. Court of Appeals, which found that the school board had the power to impose the dress code. As a teacher and civil servant in a position of trust, the court considered that this professional requirement and the general control exercised by the school authority over the conduct of its teachers were justified. All of this adds to the bigger picture the growing concerns of the current system.

Being informed with them is a good first step to know where we can intervene and help in our own way. Before we talk about how you can participate in various efforts to solve these problems, let`s first talk about what quality education is and how we can achieve it.

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