Redfern Legal Clinic

RLC Administration E-Mail, telephone 02 8037 8001, fax 02 9310 3586. Please note that we do not offer legal advice by email. If you need legal assistance, please fill out our admission form. The Redfern Legal Centre should not be confused with the Aboriginal Legal Service, which is also located in Redfern and was the first free legal service in Australia and was established in 1970. CLN relies heavily on the pro bono work and pro bono support of lawyers to handle a high workload. Day volunteers are usually law students or community members. Night volunteers are lawyers and paralegals who attend appointments and provide legal advice. RLC estimates that it attracts approximately 30,000 volunteer hours per year each year, the equivalent of $900,000 for the community. [9] The Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) is an independent, not-for-profit legal centre established in 1977 and located in downtown Redfern, New South Wales. It is part of a network of four legal centres in the Sydney area, including the Inner City[1], Kingsford[2] and Marrickville[3][3] legal centres. The Redfern Legal Centre is a member of Community Legal Centres NSW, the government`s main representative body for municipal law centres in New South Wales, and Community Legal Centres Australia, the national umbrella organisation for municipal legal centres in Australia. RLC received the Human Rights Law Award from the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in 2007. [10] The award specifically recognized the establishment of the Women`s Domestic Violence Court Assistance Scheme (WDVCAS), which aims to provide legal advice and other necessary support (including housing, income support and counselling) to women seeking domestic violence injunctions.

[11] RLC has over 20 employees in this general legal team, the Inner Sydney Tenancy Advice & Advocacy Service, as well as administration and management. The current Executive Director is Katherine McKernan. Jacqui Swinburne serves as Chief Operating Officer with Alexis Goodstone as Senior Counsel and forms the senior management of the organization. [7] The Centre is supported by the Board of Directors, with Kerry O`Brien serving as Chair of the Board and Tamara Sims as Secretary. [8] The CLR is a general community legal centre that provides free legal advice to the Community in a number of key areas. The Centre was involved in key cases and areas of legislative reform, with an increased focus on police accountability. In 2020, RLC launched an investigation into a possible class action lawsuit against New South Wales Police for unlawful use of patrol searches. [4] They also referred a case in which a New South Wales police officer allegedly assaulted an Indigenous teenager at the Independent Police Station.

[5] The Centre also provides specific legal advice in the following areas. [6] For general legal questions, fill out our registration form or call 02 9698 7277. To learn more about our legal services, click here. The RLC is dedicated to promoting social justice and human rights, providing free legal advice, referral and treatment to disadvantaged individuals and groups living in its catchment area, which extends to the urban areas of Botany, Leichhardt and the City of Sydney. Many of those who seek help are not eligible for legal aid, but still cannot afford private legal services. A large proportion of the Centre`s clients are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and other culturally and linguistically diverse communities. RLC is dedicated to legal education in the community and is committed to reforming inequalities in laws, legal systems, administrative practices and society as a whole. International Student Legal Service NSW fill out our admission form or call 02 9698 7645 If you make a complaint, staff with the appropriate knowledge and experience will respond to your concerns, usually by telling you about what happened and taking appropriate action. If you tell us that you are still not satisfied, another appropriate senior representative will attempt to address your concerns. We will endeavour to resolve your complaint as soon as possible.

If you are still not satisfied, you can file a formal written complaint via our complaint form. Formal complaints are handled by the CEO and reported to the Board of Directors. If you need help filing a complaint in writing, please let us know. Financial Abuse Legal Service contact us online or by phone on 0418 730 344 RLC is committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with Australian data protection laws. All personal information provided to RLC will be kept confidential and will be treated in accordance with these laws. Information about your right to privacy can be found on the website of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (Cth): For more information about our privacy policy, please contact us. The new SUPRA offices are located on Level 2 of the Holme Building, Camperdown Campus, University of Sydney NSW 2006. Redfern Town Hall, 73 Pitt Street, Redfern NSW. View Map We also welcome the positive feedback and testimonials we use to promote our services to the community and support our work.

You can contact our administrative team for compliments or complaints on 02 8037 8001 or by e-mail Have you been searched in New South Wales? We want to hear your story. We welcome comments or complaints because they help us improve our service. If you are not satisfied with our service, please let us know. We are very interested in hearing your problems so that we can do our best to solve them. The following services are no longer operated by Redfern Legal Centre. Contact information can be found below. Inner Sydney Tenants` Advice and Advocacy Service fills out our registration form or calls 02 9698 5975.

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