Monaco Rules for Tourists

The Monegasque authorities set and apply the entry rules. If you are unsure how the entry requirements for Monaco apply to you, contact the British embassy, high commission or consulate. Check with your transportation company for passport requirements before travelling. The rules of validity of the passport may be stricter than the conditions of entry into the country. When travelling with a temporary passport or emergency travel document, different entry requirements may apply. Before you leave, ask your nearest foreign representative about your destination. This page reflects the UK Government`s understanding of the current rules for people travelling with a full UK citizen passport for the most common types of travel. All travelers should familiarize themselves with the entry requirements for Monaco before travelling. For more information, visit the Monegasque Government website. Your passport must be valid for the intended duration of your stay in Monaco. For the latest update, please read the COVID-19 General Travel Advisory> Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV spread through blood and body fluids; Have safe sex. In case of emergency, and depending on the circumstances, the Consulates of France in the United States and Canada may issue you a pass. The list of French consulates can be consulted at the following links: Not all directives are created equal, and the cheapest one may be cheap for a reason.

Make sure your policy covers all the activities you plan to do during your trip. Insurance Ireland recommends that you take out a policy that offers a minimum of €1 million in medical cover. Visit of the President`s Special Envoy for Climate Kerry to Monaco, France and Qatar *Trip to Monaco: More information on the measures is available on the Monegasque Government`s website. If you plan to travel to France, the French government has taken its own measures, including the necessary documents to travel and transit through the France. If you plan to use this route, read the latest travel tips for the France before you travel. The Principality of Monaco currently has a curfew from 9pm to 6am, with a few exceptions. More information on the measures to combat COVID-19 in Monaco is available on the website of the Principality of Monaco. Monaco (15-709) – Employment contract for members of diplomatic missions and consular posts entrusted with official functions in the respective countries There are some security concerns or the situation could change quickly. Be very careful at all times, monitor local media and follow the instructions of local authorities. UK emergency travel documents are accepted for entry, airside transit and exit from Monaco. Français: Procedure for persons arriving in the Principality German: Procedure for travellers entering Monaco For more information on entry and exit requirements for destinations, including COVID-19 vaccination requirements, please see the Entry and Exit Requirements section.

As there is no Irish embassy in Monaco, we are limited in the assistance we can offer you in case of emergency. However, if you need help, you can contact the Honorary Consul in Monaco or the Irish Embassy in Paris. United States: Canada: travelers are advised to take precautions against bites. Unvaccinated entries allowed into Monaco from countries not listed above must quarantine for 7 days. For any updates on France travel, we also recommend checking the French Consulate/French Embassy website for your current location: The United States and Monaco have modest bilateral merchandise trade. Monaco has full customs integration with France, which collects and reimburses Monegasque trade tariffs. It also participates in the European Union`s market system through its customs union with France. Monaco has signed an agreement on the exchange of tax information with the United States Monaco is subject to extremely hot and dry weather during the summer. Health measures in the Principality – Public health requirements in Monaco Travellers are vaccinated either because it is necessary to enter a country or because it is recommended for their protection. The Monaco Health Pass is no longer required to enter Monaco or access public places. Find out more about possible entry requirements for yellow fever (Vaccines section). Take the same precautions as in Canada.

Before traveling, the ministry strongly recommends that you purchase comprehensive travel insurance that covers all medical expenses abroad, including medical repatriation/evacuation, repatriation of remains, and legal fees. You should check all exclusions and in particular if your policy covers you for the activities you wish to do. Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illicit drugs are severe. Convicted offenders face lengthy prison sentences. Hepatitis B is a liver disease that is spread through blood or other bodily fluids. Travellers who may be exposed (e.g., through sexual contact, medical treatment, needle sharing, tattooing, acupuncture, or occupational exposure) should be vaccinated. Before you travel, check to see if any restrictions or requirements are still in place. Monaco and France have added Canada and the United States to the list of “green” zone countries, meaning that fully vaccinated* travellers aged 12 years and older from the United States and Canada will be allowed to travel to France and Monaco with proof of full vaccination. No further testing is required. Monaco (10-311) – Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters Complete and up-to-date information on entry requirements for Monaco is available on the website of the Principality of Monaco. If you need consular assistance abroad, we will do our best to help you.

However, there may be restrictions that limit the Canadian government`s ability to provide services. In parts of Western Europe, certain insects carry and spread diseases such as Lyme disease, tick-borne encephalitis and West Nile virus.

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