Michigan Office of Legal Affairs

The Office of the General Counsel is committed to practicing preventive law and reducing the potential legal liability of Western Michigan University in order to advance its institutional functions and conserve public resources. The objective of the office is to provide, manage and coordinate all legal services for the university in order to minimize legal risks and liability of the institution in a professional and cost-effective manner. The office also wants to ensure that the university complies with all legal and regulatory requirements and supports campus-wide compliance efforts. Factors leading to warrantless judicial entry and house search (July/August) Assistance with municipal investigations The Advocate General of the League is at the disposal of the municipal lawyers of its members. However, the League`s legal department does not provide formal legal or expert advice to member communities. We are not allowed to personally advise university employees or students. Local resources available to students and staff seeking legal advice, forms, etc. include: The Office interacts with the University and provides legal advice to the University through its Board of Directors, President and all levels of administration in many areas, including governance, Economy, employment, contracts, research, student affairs, development, information technology, international affairs, intellectual affairs, property, construction, grants and cooperation with external institutions. If you believe you have witnessed unethical, illegal, or suspicious behavior, report it through the Anonymous Ethics and Compliance Reporting website.

The Michigan Municipal League Legal Department consists of Christopher Johnson, General Counsel. In addition to acting as legal counsel to the League as an organization, the Legal Department also provides services to League members in the following areas: On this page you will find general updates on legal topics for our department. The Deputy Counsel and MDCR staff act as legal advisers to the MDCR. Attorneys` responsibilities include: providing legal advice and strategy on issues and cases during the enforcement process, reviewing ongoing laws affecting Michigan`s civil liberties, writing amicus curiae briefs on ongoing court proceedings, drafting charges for administrative hearings, litigation in administrative hearing cases, Attend meetings of the Enforcement Unit, educate colleagues of the Enforcement Unit. Law enforcement unit on current legal issues, training of new employees, and design and implementation of grants for fair housing programs. Eastern Michigan University`s Office of Legal Affairs provides advice and representation on the wide range of legal issues affecting the university. Lawyers and support staff serve the Council of Regents, President, administrators, faculty and staff of the University in their formal capacity to achieve institutional objectives. When administrators seek legal advice from the Office of the General Counsel on behalf of the university, these communications are generally protected by solicitor-client privilege. It should be noted, however, that the office cannot provide legal advice to employees or students on personal legal matters. Stephanie Stoddard Paralegal and Compliance Coordinator Police without immunity for use of lethal force (March/April) Legal Defense Fund The Legal Defense Fund is used to support litigation and other legal matters affecting a city, village or municipality, the outcome of which could be of national significance. Membership in the Defence Fund is open to members of the League who pay a modest annual fee. The Fund`s resources will be increased in cases that have a significant impact on Michigan municipal law and that would affect the organization, operation, powers, functions or funding of Michigan communities.

The typical form of support is to file an amicus curiae brief to support the community`s legal position, most often with the Michigan Supreme Court or the Michigan Court of Appeals. Christopher Johnson is the fund administrator.

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