Relator /rɪˈleɪtər/, woman relatrix /rɪˈleɪtrɪks/, (Latin for “narrator”) is the legal term for an individual in whose relationship or on whose behalf a request for quo warranto or mandamus is made. [1] The relator seems to be a favorable interester, but the plot is maintained in his name. The rapporteur shall provide the knowledge or facts on which any information or procedure in quo warranto is based. Such a procedure is usually in the name of the state, ex rel. (ex relatione = “[arising from the narrative”) of the relator, and is therefore called “ex rel. “Relator”. Legal Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved November 6, 2022. National Bar Directory and Legal Resources for Consumers The FindLaw Legal Dictionary – free access to over 8260 definitions of legal terms. Search for a definition or browse our legal glossaries. Archie`s face became increasingly rigid as he listened, but the anger the reporter expected did not show up.
At, we pride ourselves on being the leading source of free legal information and resources on the Internet. Contact us. PROTRACTOR. A pollster or narrator; A person who, with the permission of the court, introduces information in the form of a quo warranto. 2. At common law, strictly speaking, no one is known to be the reveror of information; he is a creature of Status 9 Anne, c. 20.3. In this country, even where there is no law similar to Anne`s, information can be submitted by individuals who wish to assert their rights on behalf of the Attorney General, and these are commonly referred to as informers; however, no judgment on costs may be made for or against them. 2 Dall.
112; 5 Fair 231; 15 Serg. and Rawle, 127; 3 Serg. & Rawle, 52; Ang. on Corp. 470. In the law firm, the relator is responsible for the costs. 4 bouv. Inst. No. 4022. In an action that tam, the private party that helps the government is called the Relator.
If the pursuit is successful, the private party receives a portion of the reward. See False Claims Act. A qui-tam lawsuit can be filed by either party (as a reporter) against a company that fraudulently collects money from the U.S. government by making false statements. The party bringing the lawsuit – the informant – must be in possession of information to support the allegation of fraud against the government. The government shares a percentage of the funds raised, as well as a share of the triple damages and penalties, if any, with the rapporteur. The Rapporteur may be any legal person, including an individual, a professional association or a trade union. Congress approved the actions that tam in the False Claims Act.
For example, if an employee of a defence contractor discovered that his boss was misleading the government, the employee could file a Qui-Tam lawsuit under the False Claims Act against his employer. In this action, the employee would be the relator, the employer the defendant and the government the plaintiff. Abraham Crist appeared for the Relator and John Greenwood for the accused. The #1 Spanish Legal Website for Consumers There was still a reporter, a private secretary to the Inquisitor General, an archive keeper and four minor officials. As a mere recipient of the sights and sounds of great naval battles, Mr. Brownell has a new story to tell. And indeed, the record has been expressed in such words, and the statement has not been disputed by the rapporteur. The person on whose behalf an action is brought by a State; the person who reproduces the facts on which an action is based. The rapporteur is the person on whose complaint certain orders are issued. The rapporteur is the party of interest in a proceeding who has the right to initiate such proceedings on behalf of the people or on behalf of the Prosecutor General, if that official has the exclusive right to bring an action. For example, if A were the rapporteur and B the defendant, the citation of the case would be: State ex rel.
A v. B. Are you a lawyer? Visit our professional website » Free and reliable legal information for consumers and lawyers. n. Land, improvements and buildings therein, including fortified objects and cultural objects. This is virtually the same as “real property,” except that real property includes interests that are not physical, such as the right to acquire property in the future. Directory of U.S. Attorneys with exclusive Super Lawyers classification See, for example, United States ex rel Eisenstein v. City of New York (08-660). Source: Merriam-Webster`s Dictionary of Law ©, 1996. Licensed with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.
Copyright © 2022, Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDon`t sell my information Powered by Black`s Law Dictionary, 2nd free ed., and The Law Dictionary. The person on whose complaint or at whose instigation information or a writ of quo warranto is filed and who is, in fact, the applicant in the proceeding.