Legal Advice Musicians Union

But if you have a question about your personal music business, a dispute between band members, a compensation issue, a copyright issue, or other music issues that are not exclusively related to union appearances, we may be able to give you free legal advice, depending on our current workload. Legal assistance when working with other musicians, for example in a band. It is common for members who find themselves in a difficult work environment to suffer from very high levels of stress, anxiety or depression. Psychological support is provided by the following organizations, and the union recommends that members seek such support through their case: The local union runs booths at several regional wedding fairs each year, generating appearances for members. Presentation opportunities cost our members nothing and are a great way to be seen and heard by thousands of brides and grooms. Our website has pages where members can register as teachers and for shows of all kinds. Lists of invoices for benefits of more than one member may consist only of members of the union. In addition, as an AFM member, the following legal benefits are available through Union Plus: – A free initial consultation with a lawyer lasting up to 30 minutes (in person or by phone). – A simple and free review and explanation of the documents. – A follow-up letter or a free phone call if it is likely to resolve a legal issue. – Most ancillary services receive a 30% discount (including hourly rates for lawyers and flat fees for the most common legal cases).

You need legal help and you don`t know where to turn? Access legal advice and help on a variety of topics, including unpaid fees, disputes, employer concerns, and other workplace issues if you are a MU member. Publications: All members receive the AFM International Musicians Festival and Local 6 Music News. They will keep you updated on union relations, job postings, auditions, events and articles of interest to musicians. Therefore, although musicians are not only artists, but also human rights beings and workers who are entitled to workers` rights, it goes without saying that these rights now and forever include: You can find reliable advice at an affordable price if you need legal help or if you simply have a legal problem. Trade union members have free access to basic legal services or can upgrade to a higher level of legal advice at a reduced price. An employment lawyer will also provide members with practical advice and advice on negotiating better terms with your employer. The MU helped me break free from a contract I signed at the age of 14. I was able to get legal advice and support with the formal wording of the termination of the contract. Death Benefits Insurance: All members in good standing of Local 6 have $2000 in life insurance under the union`s policy.

The MU helps and supports me through all the important administrative and legal things that I would sweep under the rug in the hope that it would disappear. Scottish law firm Harper Macleod hosted legal webinars for MU members. Watch the published recordings of these webinars to learn more about the legal side of being a musician. Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts is the leading legal aid and education organization dedicated to New York artists and their arts and cultural organizations. VLA responds to the needs of the arts community for legal services by providing access to free or low-cost legal services. Qualified artists can request legal assistance for all legal matters related to art. Concert performers, part-time teachers and professional musicians can access personal accident insurance, health insurance, travel insurance and car insurance through the musicians` union. The union receives many tracks per month for live music. Members receive daily updates (M-F) by email or phone at the local office. A 2% labor charge applies to reference jobs. In addition to recommendations, we also send announcements for auditions, grant applications, festival applications, action alerts, union member discounts, and local music news. VLA offers services in four program areas – law, education, mediation and advocacy – including pro bono legal representation for low-income individuals, a legal helpline, legal clinics for members, mediation services and in-person appointments with lawyers.

When a MU member found his group in a difficult situation, MU`s legal support took a burden off his shoulders. Send an email to Include your legal question, name and phone number. AFM Emergency Travelling Musician Assistance: AFM provides assistance to visiting members through the AFM Touring Musicians Division. If you have submitted the right collective agreements and then become stiff on the street by a club owner, the AFM can help. Call 1-800-ROADGIG. You can also call the VLA Legal Helpline at (212) 319-2787 ext. 1. With your registration, you have free access to basic legal services. A package of legal benefits for you and your family, including personal injury benefits and low-cost wills. Union Plus Discount: As a union member, you and your family are entitled to special Union Plus benefits that save you money. From flowers to travel, Wi-Fi to movie tickets, union members and their families save on the products and services they use every day.

Approximately 350 of our musicians work under collective agreements. Many were active on bargaining teams and as union representatives. The restaurant president manages the agreements that protect your rights at work. Each collective agreement provides for a fair dispute resolution procedure for musicians and employers. We use the process to protect the integrity of collective agreements and resolve issues together. Local 76-493 is the bargaining agent for musicians working in the dance departments of Paramount Theatre, 5th Avenue Theatre, Village Theatre, Tacoma Symphony and Cornish College. As Local President, Motter Snell negotiates and administers collective agreements. Our collective agreements set out the wages, benefits and working conditions of each orchestra, so these rights cannot be unilaterally withdrawn by employers. So if you need legal help, first call the Local 802 law firm at (212) 765-4300 or email consultant Harvey Mars at If your situation is related to a union appearance, we can clearly help you. That`s our job.

Contact UM for employment-related legal advice and assistance Contract Guarantee Fund: The union pays Local 6 musicians unpaid progressive wages for engagements performed in our jurisdiction if a formal contract is filed with the local prior to engagement. The AFM legislative office represents the interests of musicians in Washington, D.C. The local union works directly with city, district and state governments to protect musicians` rights and promote initiatives that help artists. AHIRC – Artist Health Insurance Resource Centre Since 1998, connecting artists, artisans and entertainment industry workers across the country with affordable health insurance and health care. The Musicians Foundation, Inc. assists professional musicians with current living, medical and related expenses through emergency financial assistance. The Jazz Foundation of America can help with living expenses, medical care, housing, and performance opportunities for jazz and blues musicians. The Jeremy Wilson Foundation The Jeremy Wilson Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting uninsured and underinsured musicians and their families during medical crises. The foundation also aims to help musicians and their families with daily health care through education and referrals to help them acquire adequate health care and insurance. Sweet Relief The Sweet Relief Musicians Fund provides financial support to all types of career musicians who are struggling to make ends meet while facing illness, disability or age-related issues.

Virginia Mason Clinic for Performing Artists Virginia Mason`s Clinic for Performing Artists in Seattle provides assessment and treatment for specific performing artists` problems. Professionals, students and amateur artists with interpretation difficulties due to musculoskeletal, neurological, orthopedic, vocal, podiatric or psychological problems are welcome. To find out whether or not you are entitled to advice in this case, please read the full criteria for legal advice and assistance depending on your country of residence – check the criteria for England and Wales and the criteria for Scotland and Northern Ireland.

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