So, stay-at-home parents in Sooner State can breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy life as a relaxed and happy family. These recommendations are not a legal requirement of homeschooling, but suggestions to help you demonstrate that you are providing your child with a quality education. As mentioned above, you only need to teach for 180 days and (to be sure) teach subjects similar to those taught in public schools in the state. This information should in no way be construed as legal advice. It is your responsibility to interpret and understand the laws under which you are homeschooled. Do I have to notify the school district of my intention to homeschool my child? Oklahoma is the only state with a constitutional provision guaranteeing the right to homeschooling. ยง 4 Art. 13 of the Oklahoma Constitution guarantees the homeschooling exemption by stipulating that the legislature “shall make it compulsory to attend a public or other school, unless other means of education are provided, of all mentally and physically healthy children of the State between the ages of eight and sixteen. for at least three months a year.” Although the Oklahoma State Department of Education does not require homeschooled students to regularly take standardized tests, you may want to assess your students` understanding of core subjects such as language arts and math by asking them to take a standardized test appropriate for grade level. We`ve created this great resource to prepare you for Oklahoma`s standardized tests that walks you through every detail of preparing your kids for testing. And if you eventually leave the Sooner state and find that your new condition requires testing, you and your children will be prepared.
What if I want to re-enroll my child in public school after homeschooling? Here`s a comparison of course items required to graduate in Oklahoma for public school students and homeschooled students: What records should I keep when my child is homeschooled? Note that “homeschooling is not regulated, and Oklahoma law does not require parents to enroll or obtain state or local approval, conduct state tests with their students, or allow public school officials to visit or inspect homes” (Oklahoma State Department of Education). Discovery K12 Online Homeschool Discovery K12 is an online platform and program for independent homeschoolers. The program is free for preschoolers up to grade twelve and includes all core subjects. You can use our program as you wish: part-time, full-time and complementary. We encourage you to read the following pages on our website to learn more. Although not required by law, the Oklahoma Department of Education recommends that you inform the school district principal that your child would normally attend before starting homeschooling. Be aware that “some schools may have you sign a form that relieves them of the responsibility of educating the student and that you take full responsibility for your child`s education.” Visit the Home School page on the Oklahoma State Department of Education website for more information about homeschooling in Oklahoma. Are you ready to start homeschooling in Oklahoma? You may have a lot of questions about topics such as what you need to do to get started, what records and tests are required, and how to interact with your local school district. You`ll want to start by understanding Oklahoma`s homeschooling law. You may feel overwhelmed when you start this process, but there are resources and other homeschoolers who have already experienced this adventure successfully! As a result of this discussion of homeschooling, the language “other means of education” was included in Article 13, Section 4. The Oklahoma State Department of Education suggests that “academic progress should be graded and maintained for the child” during homeschooling, but does not require specific records.
However, we recommend that you keep some personal records to verify education in case you need to provide proof of education to the state or other legal entities or prepare to return to public schools or post-secondary pathways. These include the following: What do I need to be a homeschooling parent? Do I need to test my homeschool? Because the HSLDA Board wants to focus its resources on protecting the freedom of homeschooled children to monitor public schools, we cannot help homeschooled students access special education in public schools.